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Multimodal Presentation
Lee Friedlander



For this assignent, I selected to interpret the work of Lee Friedlander. Lee is an American photographer and artist who took his first photos at just fourteen. Lee had always been a fan of music, and his passion for music and art took him to New York City where he was inspired by  urban landscapes and the city, with a large portion of his wprk featuring fragments of store-front reflections, structures framed by fences, posters and street signs.  Friedlander's street photography captures the various elements of light and content in urban landscapes, which can be seen in reflections. The images I have selected to evaluate demonstrate use of reflections and how these reflections can tell a story using lighting and even composition. Each piece presents a different dimension, and utiloized sculptural elements as well. 


Lee Friedlander’s photography has shown me a completley new lens of viewing photography. Because these photographs are more modern, I did not realize how many different elements of photography could be featured into modernized photography. Especially in a city landscape, I was impressed by how well Friedlander was able to utilize relfections to represent modern day elements that we see everyday, but do not think deeply about. His work also demonstrates the beauty in an urban setting, rather than what I typically think of when I heard of landscape phorography. I liked how this work was not tyical nature or stereotypical outdoor photography, but it was far more urban and conceptualized. It showed me that photography goes beyond what we think of as “beautiful”, it is so much more than that. 

Rachel Gray Photos

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Ethically Evaluative By: Linh Yoshimura

I selected this photo as an Ethically Evaluative photograph because this image captures an elderly woman injured by a U.S.-Vietnamese air strike on a being carried to be taken care of. This photo fits this category because it demonstrates a sense of patriotism and pride towards helping another individual in need of support or care.

Theoretical By: Remedios Varo

Because this piece features elements of conceptual art, I find that it falls under the Theoretical category of art. It is not a traditional photo, it includes elements of photography mixed with modern creativity and alterations that allow for us to view this piece theoretically. 

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